
I know what I’m talking about based on real life experience. I am a licensed, trained sex therapist and I’ve worked with women with problems just like yours for 20 years. I’ve helped hundreds of women improve their sex lives and I can help you. I am also a registered nurse and that experience and training gives me a real understanding of how a woman’s body works and the physical side of sexuality.

I am also a certified hypnotherapist and I’ve used hypnosis to help my clients to a good, satisfying sex life. It's wonderful to see what a difference better sex makes in a woman’s life and in her relationships. And that’s why I created these special self-hypnosis program to help you to the rewarding sex life and fulfilled relationship you desire and deserve.


I know what I’m talking about based on real life experience. I am a licensed, trained sex therapist and I’ve worked with women with problems just like yours for 20 years. I’ve helped hundreds of women improve their sex lives and I can help you. I am also a registered nurse and that experience and training gives me a real understanding of how a woman’s body works and the physical side of sexuality.
I am also a certified hypnotherapist and I’ve used hypnosis to help my clients to a good, satisfying sex life. It's wonderful to see what a difference better sex makes in a woman’s life and in her relationships. And that’s why I created these special self-hypnosis program to help you to the rewarding sex life and fulfilled relationship you desire and deserve.
Women who really get into the sexual experience enter a trance. The rest of the world disappears and they are completely focused on their experiences. This is the essence of entering a hypnotic trance.
With self-hypnosis you can take your level of desire for sex, no matter how low, and greatly increase it. By using my self-hypnosis MP3s for instant download you can enjoy a more loving, intense sexual connection with your partner and release the power of your natural sensuality and sexuality.
With self-hypnosis you learn to relax into that special sexual trance. From there it is much easier to move into sexual release and orgasm. In self-hypnosis you release all those negative thoughts and feelings that hold you back from the pleasure you deserve.
Respected sex researchers William Hartman and Marilyn Fithian studied women who had never felt an orgasm. They found that these women have at least some physical reactions during sexual stimulation that indicate they had an orgasm. In self-hypnosis you can connect with those reactions, feel them and increase them until you feel an orgasm. Then you can increase those feelings into a fully satisfying, wonderful orgasm.
Many women have trouble having a female orgasm because they can’t take pleasure for themselves. They try to please their mate and feel guilty or embarrassed focusing on themselves or they let themselves get distracted easily. Self-hypnosis is very effective at helping you take care of your own needs and relax into an orgasm. My self-hypnosis instant download MP3s increase your awareness of the feelings of female orgasm and deepen the pleasure that you experience. Those who have little or no sensation during orgasm learn to have satisfying releases. Those who have good orgasms learn to have great ones.


Dr. Karen Gless

Dr. Gless has a doctorate in psychology and her Bachelor of Science in Nursing gives her an understanding of physiology. Along with specialized training in sex therapy, she has advanced education in hypnotherapy and is a certified hypnotherapist.

Years of actual practice with patients at her office have produced a voice and delivery that helps women relax deeply and go into hypnosis easily. Each session has its own induction tailored to the topic of that session instead of using the same boring induction over and over like others do.

Then visualization and erotic imagery are used to help women experience and enjoy the mild sexual arousal that is necessary to produce real change in sexual functioning.

In summary, Dr. Gless has produced powerful, self-hypnotic sessions that produce real, lasting change.


The Reality of Pleasure

Of women report they have low sex desire.

Of women aged 30-50 have experienced low sex desire at some point.

Of women have difficulty having an orgasm or have never had one.

Of women fake orgasm at least half of the time during intercourse.

Why Should I Buy the Pure Pleasure System?

Created by a licensed, professional sex therapist who is also a registered nurse. 

Based on years of successful, professional experience.

Increase Good Feelings

The sessions focus on increasing good feelings.

You will eliminate negative thinking that creates low desire in women and feel confident. 

Specifically Constructed

Too many self-hypnosis sessions repeat the same simple induction no matter what the problem is. 

With the Pure Pleasure System each induction is different and specially constructed to get the results you want.  

 Opportunity to Relax

The best part is you can listen to these over and over in the safety and comfort of your own home.

Each time you listen your ability to relax and enjoy sex increases.



How to Use the MP3s

The MP3 sets for women increase your desire for sexual experiences and help you have a fully satisfying orgasm.

In self-hypnosis you turn everything around.

You make significant changes in your life by taking it easy and letting things happen.

By eliminating inner barriers to the full enjoyment of your sexuality, you are able to open to the pleasure and fulfillment that sex can give you and your partner.

Getting Started

The first MP3 set, Learning Self-Hypnosis, shows you how to enter self-hypnosis and use its power to have a great sex life.

Track one, “The Pleasure Principle,” introduces you to the power of pleasure and discusses its importance in enhancing a woman’s sexual response and her ability to really enjoy sex.

Track two, “Guide to Using the Sessions,” shows you how to use the sessions for maximum results.

Track three, “Training in Self-Hypnosis,” guides you through your first self-hypnotic session. You will find that each time you listen to “Training in Self-Hypnosis” your ability to enter the hypnotic state will increase.

I recommend listening to “Training in Self-Hypnosis” at least three times before going on to the other sessions or as many times as it takes for you to feel comfortable in the self-hypnotic state. You can come back to it for a tune up whenever you need. Many women use this session to enter the self-hypnotic state and then stay there for a while to achieve other aims such as increasing self-confidence or dealing with phobias or other problems.

Heightened Pleasure

The second MP3 set, Heightened Pleasure, is designed to help you eliminate guilt and sex-negative thinking and then open up to the wonderful pleasures the body can give you.

Track one, “Eliminating Guilt,” is a gentle, self-affirming induction that enables you to release guilt and bad feelings about sexuality. Fighting against the old, negative programming and trying to force yourself to enjoy sex only strengthens the negative ideas. Through self-hypnosis you can release that negativity forever. Most women get the best results by listening to track one, “Eliminating Guilt,” three or four days in a row. For others once is enough to get rid of attitudes and feelings that are no longer appropriate.

Track two, “Heightened Pleasure,” increases your awareness of sexual feelings. The unconscious mind is the bridge between the body and the conscious mind. Messages are sent to the unconscious mind to enable it to fully accept sensuality and pleasure to deepen your experience of your sexuality. Listen to track two once a day for three or four days before going on to other sessions.

Increasing Desire

The third MP3 set, Increasing Desire, addresses the most common complaint women have, which is low sexual desire.

Track one, “Enhanced Desire” connects your body and unconscious mind with the rewards of increased desire.

Track two, “The Power of Desire,” deepens this understanding of sexuality by connecting the unconscious mind with the power of your sexuality and the pleasure it can give you.

Orgasmic Intensity

The fourth MP3 set, Orgasmic Intensity, enables you to increase the intensity of your orgasms. This CD can help you no matter what level of orgasm you experience from barely noticeable to more intense. With this CD you can increase the power of your orgasmic release.

Track one, “Unleashing Pleasure” really does unleash the capacity you have within for experiencing sensuality and sexual pleasure.

Track two, “Intensifying Release,” guides your unconscious mind to focus on the pleasure and orgasmic release you experience, making it stronger and more satisfying.

Pure Pleasure System


Using the MP3 Sessions



After listening to the first two MP3 sets in order, Learning Self-Hypnosis and Heightened Pleasure, you can listen to either Increasing Desire or Orgasmic Intensity according to your needs. For best results listen to the sessions each day for a week. For example, you could listen to track one for four days in a row and track two for three days in a row. Then use the sessions every other day for two weeks, listening to either track as you desire.




After that go on to the next MP3 set and use the same pattern, listening to it each day for a week and then every other day for two weeks. After that you can listen to either session as you need for a tune up or to deepen your abilities. Of course you may find that some other pattern works best for you.




What matters is that you use the self-hypnosis sessions and let your unconscious mind do the work. And now you can begin the wonderful journey of transformation that is possible when you open the doors to your inner powers and experiences.



Isn't it about time

that you got Your Love Life Back!

Dr. Karen gless's

Pure pleasure for women system

Learning Self Hypnosis
MP3 Download

Three Full Sessions

heightened pleasure
mp3 download

Two Full Sessions

increasing desire
mp3 download

Two Full Sessions

Ogasmic intensity
mp3 download

Two Full Sessions

the pure pleasure system
All 9 Guided modules and 53 page Ebook

instant download



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OUR Satisfied Customers

Your self-hypnosis sessions have helped me get rid of a lot of tension. I especially liked the part where I could let go of a ton of old garbage I have been carrying around with me about sex for years. Now I can relax and get turned on. I am enjoying my new sexy self. 


San Diego, CA

Dr. Gless, I’m from the Midwest so I generally don’t try things I’m not used to. But because this was important I was willing to try. Now I can’t believe how I’ve changed. I hope it lasts forever. I’m more relaxed and positive. I’m not grouchy all the time and my husband and I are having great sex. Thank you!


Columbus, NE

Dr. Gless, you said all I really needed was to let go and focus on good feelings and you were right. You and your mp3s helped me succeed. My desire is up and I am beginning to have orgasms with my partner. Hurray!.


St George, UT